Catherine Marrone, PhD

Lecturer and Director of Undergraduate Studies

Faculty Advisor
Multidisciplinary Studies

Phone: (631)632-4883
Office: S429 Social and Behavioral Sciences Bldg

Curriculum vitae
Research interests: medical sociology, gender, gender and work, sociology of human reproduction, sociology of aging

Catherine’s research and teaching have focused on a number of issues within the field of Medical Sociology that include social inequality in health and the Sociology of Aging.  Her course, The Sociology of Human Reproduction, addresses global issues related to Infant and Maternal Mortality, fertility rates (and demographic changes) and the cultural consequences of new forms of Reproductive Technology. (She has an edited a course text from University Readers, 2010).   Her current research includes the study of Academic Dishonesty “academic cheating’ on college campuses (especially given changes in the technical and mediated culture) and some early analysis of the growing group of Doulas (labor support) in childbirth; Misty Curreli, an advanced graduate student and colleague both inspired-- and started--this work on Doulas.

Educational Background
  • BA Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1983
  • MA Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1985
  • PhD Sociology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1995
  • Postdoc, Epidemiology and Public Health, Yale University School of Medicine, 1997

Selected Publications

Sociology of Human Reproduction (Editor) 2010. University Readers, CA.  Course Textbook

Gender and Work in Today’s World:  A Reader. (Co-Editor, Nancy Sacks) August 2004, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado

Qualitative Health Research.  May 2003, Vol 13, No. 5, 623-635. “Home Health Care Nurses’ Perceptions of Physician-Nurse Relationships.”  Thousand Oaks, California:  Sage Publications

Professional and Patient Responsibilities in Home Health Care Nursing. 1999. Lewiston, New   York: The Edwin Mellen Press. Studies in Health and Human Services, Volume 34

Contemporary Sociology, September, 1996, Vol. 25, Number 5. Review of Sue Fisher’s, Nursing   Wounds: Nurse Practitioners, Doctors, Women Patients and the Negotiation of Meaning.  

Full publications list