Why An Advanced Certificate May Work For You
The advanced graduate certificate is an attractive option to students that do not wish to complete the full MS degree program. For example, healthcare providers who have met the experiential requirements to sit for quality, risk management and safety national certification examinations with on-the-job experience, but do not possess the academic preparation required to pass the rigorous examinations. Healthcare providers, who already hold a master’s degree and wish to gain the theory and knowledge in the fields of health care quality, health care regulation and accreditation, health law, health care risk management or patient safety, broaden their knowledge, critical thinking and analytical skills required in this evolving patient safety field for career mobility or to become better clinical or non-clinical practitioners. Note: all 18 credits of the advanced graduate certificate (grade of B or higher) can be applied to the MS in HQPS if the student wishes to complete the MS program.
The 18 credit Advanced Graduate Certificate in Patient Safety includes the following course sequence:
HAU 501: Patient Safety and the Management of Risk
HAU 502: Patient Safety and Health Law
HAU 503: Error Science, Human Factors and Patient Safety
HAU 504: Crew Resource Management, Team Performance and Communication
HAU 505: Quality Improvement and Safety
HAU 506: Accreditation, Regulations and National Patient Safety Goals
Click here for course descriptions
Note: TeamSTEPPS communication and teamwork concepts and tools as well as Just Culture concepts will be woven through the curriculum and applied to case scenarios to develop critical thinking and analytical skills development in a Team Based Learning modality.
This is a part-time program offering on-site evening classes only*