II. Specializations (12 credits)
Students select a specialization of study in one of the two specialty areas below. A passing grade of a B- or higher is required for each course.
1. Clinical Informatics Specialization Curriculum
The goal of this specialization is to develop the knowledge, skills, and competencies required of clinical informatics personnel. The curriculum aligns with domains and learning outcomes put forth by Gardner, et al. (2009) in the Journal of American Medical Informatics Association‘s article entitled, core content for the subspecialty of clinical informatics.
HHA 530 Clinical Decision Making and Process Improvement (4 credits): This course provides in-depth immersion into the knowledge and skills required to implement effective clinical decision making systems and participate in the development of clinical process improvements that support effective, efficient, safe, timely, equitable, and patient-centered care.
HHA 531 Health Information Systems (4 credits): This course provides in-depth immersion into the knowledge and skills required to participate in the development or selection of an information system for clinicians; prepare clinicians prior to implementation and support them during implementation and ongoing operation of a clinical information system; and evaluate the effectiveness of a system in meeting clinical needs.
HHA 532 Leading and Managing Clinical Information Systems Change (4 credits): This course provides in-depth immersion into the knowledge and skills required to lead, manage change, and promote adoption associated with implementing clinical information systems.
2. Data Analytics Specialization Curriculum
The goal of this specialization is to develop knowledge, skills and competencies to manipulate, analyze, interpret and present healthcare data using R programming language and analytical software solutions.
HHA 550 Applied Healthcare Analytics (4 credits): This course will explore the role of healthcare analysts and data analytics to improve healthcare delivery outcomes for populations. Students will learn how to use R language programming for statistical computing and graphics.
HHA 551 Big Data Technologies in Healthcare (4 credits): This course will explore new and emerging Big Data technologies in healthcare. Technologies such as Facebook, Yahoo, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter and the Electronic Health Record will be examined, with an emphasis on how healthcare data is organized, processed and analyzed using SAS.
HHA 552 Healthcare Data Visualization (4 credits): This course will focus on techniques and tools for designing and implementing effective visual representations of healthcare data. This course will utilize Tableau as a presentation platform for designing and building data visualizations.