Nancy Krisch, PT, DPT, PhD

Nancy Jane Krisch, PT, DPT, PhD

Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Stony Brook University

Phone: 631-444-1094

Dr. Krisch received her BS in Biological Science degree from the State University of New York at Albany in 1992 and completed her BS in Physical Therapy degree from the State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn in 1995. She went on to receive her post-professional DPT degree from Stony Brook University and completed her PhD in the Curriculum, Instruction and Science of Learning (CISL) Program in the Graduate School of Learning and Instruction at the University at Buffalo.

Dr. Krisch has extensive experience in the acute care setting working with patients with a variety of neurological, orthopedic and cardiopulmonary diagnoses. She has also practiced across the continuum of care in the inpatient rehab, outpatient, and home care settings. She currently practices in the acute care setting at Stony Brook University Hospital.

Dr. Krisch currently teaches Foundations of Inpatient Care, Neuroscience for Physical Therapy and Case Studies I. She is a co-instructor in Cardiopulmonary PT II. Her primary scholarly interests include health literacy in curricula, and optimizing communication between clinicians and patients.


Miale, S., Folger, A., Krisch, N. Progressive heart failure/COPD in the acute care setting. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., Krisch, N. Heart failure/COPD in the home setting. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., Krisch, N. Atrial fibrillation and alcohol withdrawal in the acute care setting. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale S, Folger A, Krisch N. Endurance training for patient with CVA and history of atrial fibrillation in acute rehab. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., Krisch, N. Outpatient orthopedic case with cardiac event. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., Krisch, N. Phase I Cardiac Rehab – Post-MI/CABG in acute care setting. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., & Krisch, N. Mobilizing a patient on mechanical ventilation in the ICU. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale, S., Folger, A., & Krisch, N.COVID-19 and PICS in the outpatient setting. American Council of Academic Physical Therapy (ACAPT) Simulation Scenario Library, 2023,, provided with permission from the author.

Miale S, Harrington S, Brown KK, Braswell A, Cannoy J, Krisch N, & Rock KE.  (2019) Academy of Oncologic Physical Therapy EDGE Task Force on Cancer: A systematic review of outcome measures for pain in children. Rehab Oncol. 37:47-54. 

Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Krisch, N. (2024, May). Utilization of a Think Aloud activity to explore faculty perceptions about health literacy practices in physical therapist professional education curricula. Poster presentation. IHA’s Annual Health Literacy Conference [virtual].

Krisch N. & Greco J.(Oct 2024). Utilization of Health Literacy Practices by Physical Therapist Faculty and Students. Professional Poster at ACAPT Education Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.

Miale, S. & Krisch N. (Oct 2024). Improved Clinical Decision-Making after a Series of Large-Group Classroom-Based Simulations. Poster at ACAPT Education Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.

Miale, S. & Krisch, N. (Oct2024) Flippin’ Fantastic! Implementing Flipped Learning in Physical Therapy Curriculum. Educational Session at ACAPT Education Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.

Miale, S. & Krisch, N. (Oct 2024) Simulate & Innovate: Empowering Educators to Design and Immediately Implement Acute Care Scenarios for Large Classroom Groups. Microlearn Educational Session at ACAPT Education Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.

Olin, S. & Krisch N. (Oct 2024). Exploring Artificial Intelligence Feedback for Enhanced Assessment of Student Documentation in Physical Therapy Education. Poster at ACAPT Education Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.

Miale, S., Folger, A., & Krisch, N. (2023, Feb). Uniting sound pedagogy and clinical authenticity in simulation: educator and clinical specialist collaboration. Education session at APTA CSM, San Diego, CA.

Miale, S. Krisch, N. (2022, Oct). Keepin' it real - Maximizing fidelity for high-quality simulations in the classroom. Educational session at ELC, Milwaukee, WI.

Krisch N, Greco J, Miale S. (2021, Feb). Exploring student perceptions about telehealth in doctorate of physical therapy curricula. Poster Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Orlando FL (Virtual).

Krisch N. (2020, Oct). Searching for health literacy: Impacting population health through doctorate of physical therapy education curricula, Poster Presentation at Educational Leadership Conference (ELC), Milwaukee, WI (Virtual).

Fabus, R., Noel, K., Dias, L., Jason, M., Lamanna, L., Monahan, K. Perciavalle, M., Eloma, A., Danowski, L., Zove, S., Cinotti, D., Krisch, N., Johnson, L., Ippolito, D., & Dimitrov, N. (2019, March) Interprofessional Telehealth Board engages in virtual teamwork, Poster Presentation at National Academies of Practice (NAP) Annual Meeting & Forum, Arlington, VA.

Miale S, Harrington S, Brown K, O’Mara K, Braswell A, Cannoy J, Krisch N. (2018) Oncology Section EDGE Task Force: Clinical measures of pain for the pediatric population. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Platform Presentation.

Krisch N, Miale S. (2018) Optimizing low-fidelity simulation as a teaching strategy for acute care evaluation and treatment prior to clinical internships. APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA. Poster Presentation.

Funded Grant Activity 

Hulfish E, Earle M, Krisch N, Coffin D, John B. Responding to the teaching and assessment needs of academic medicine. Association of American Medical Colleges Competency-Based Education in Telehealth Challenge Grant Program.