Christina Burke, PT, DPT, MS

Christina Burke, PT, DPT, NCS

Christina Burke, PT, DPT, MS

Board-Certified Neurologic Clinical Specialist
Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Stony Brook University

Phone: 631-632-5107

Dr. Burke received her Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy from Ithaca College in 1985, and went on to receive her Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from Queens College and her t-DPT from Touro College. Dr. Burke worked at NYU Medical Center/Rusk Institute where she gained diverse experience in acute care, inpatient, and outpatient settings. Dr. Burke assisted in the development of the outpatient vestibular department and later became the supervisor in the inpatient adult rehab department at Rusk Institute.

Dr. Burke has been an adjunct professor at both LIU and Touro College’s physical therapy programs. She has completed NDT adult certification, a certificate of competency in Vestibular Rehabilitation, and LSVT-BIG certification. In 2013 she became a board certified Neurological Clinical Specialist from the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. Dr. Burke is also a certified MS Clinical Specialist.

Dr. Burke continues working in the clinical setting, specializing in balance and vestibular dysfunction, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's Disease (PD). She has been involved in several multi-center research studies and her scholarly work focuses on neurorehabilitation and gait analysis with individuals with MS and PD.

Dr. Burke joined the physical therapy program at Stony Brook University in 2013 where she teaches Neurological PT I, II and III and  Biophysical Agents in  Physical Therapy.  Aside from her academic and scholarly work, Dr. Burke volunteers her time at EmpowerSCI (a 2-week residential rehab program for individuals with SCI), Just for Kicks (a soccer program for children on the Autism spectrum) and Matter of Balance (an evidence-based community fall prevention program).

Peer Reviewed Publications

Lau J, Regis C, Kaleda M, Burke C, McKenna R, Muratori L, (2022, May) Immersive technology to improve gait in persons with Parkinson’s disease, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Lurie J, Zagaria A, Ellis L, Pidgeon D, Gill-Body K, Burke C, Armbrust K, Cass, S, Spratt K, McDonough C (2020).  Surface perturbation training to prevent falls in older adults: a highly pragmatic, randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther

Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations

Moyer H, Burke C, Paul A Sanchex Junkin A, Kriekels W, Trojanowski S (Feb 2025) Minding the Know-Do Gap: National Survey on the Movement Analysis Framework. Poster Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Houston, TX

Hedman, L, Gill-Body, K, Sanchez Junkin A, Moyer H, Burke, C, et al (Feb 2025) Level up Your Clinical Reasoning as a Movement Expert: Standardized Movement Analysis and Balance Diagnoses. Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Houston, TX.

Moyer H;Burke C, Sanchex, PA, Junkin A, Kriekels W, Trojanowski S. (Feb 2025) Lights, Camera, Knowledge to Action! a National Survey of the ANPT Balance Diagnoses Framework. Platform Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Houston, TX

Hewson K, Czujko PN, Burke C, Stein R. (2024, Feb) Creation of a mini anatomy boot camp for incoming Doctorate of Physical Therapy students. Platform presentation at APTA's CSM, Boston, MA.

Hochman L, Culotta N, Joseph T, Luo X, Obeidat A, Sarabia, Muratori L, Burke C.(2024, Feb). Predicting falls using figure of 8 walking and gait speed in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster presentation at APTA's CSM, Boston, MA.

Burke, C, Kaleda, M,. Casparian E,  Forbes J,  Galindo J, Staten M,  Srinivasan J,  Kaczmarek O. (2021) Association between Patient Reported Outcomes and Gait in People with MS with Differing Disabilities. Poster Presentation at APTA Virtual Combined Sections Meeting.

Burke, C, Trebing, S, Frosieth, N, Gudesblatt, M  (2020) The effects of Balanced-Based Torso Weighting in people with various neurological conditions; a case series. Poster Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Denver, CO.

Burke, C, Trebing, S, Frosieth, N, Gudesblatt, M (2019) The effects of Balanced-Based Torso Weighting (BBTW) on mobility in people with Huntington’s Disease. Poster presentation at Huntington Study Group, Sacramento, CA.

Burke, C, Martin, K, Connell, B, Callahan, R, Schneider, I, Staniewski, J, Cascone, A. (Jan 2019) The effects of a six-minute walk test on selected gait parameters on persons with multiple sclerosis who are minimally disabled. Poster presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Washington D.C.

Gudesblatt, M, Tan, S, Anand, D, DeGraw, K, Srinivasan, J, Trebing, S, Burke, C, Wissemann, K, Zarif, M, Bumstead, B, Fafard, L, Buhse, M, Blitz, K. (Oct 2018) A preliminary investigation into the relationship between the Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12) and an objective multi-dimensional digital gait analysis. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, Berlin, Germany.

Burke, C., Gudesblatt, M, Trebing, S. (Feb 2018) A comparison of two FDA approved validated devices that provide multidimension quantifiable gait parameters in people with multiple sclerosis.  Poster presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

King, D, Schwartz, M, Shuchat, R, Burke, C, Voltmer, C. (Feb 2018) Exercise based intervention for adults with Parkinson’s Disease to improve functional outcome measures in ambulation and balance. Poster presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Gudesblatt M, Lamberg E, McKenna R, Zarif M,Burke C, Bumstead B, Fafard L, Buhse M, Muratori L. (2018) Multiple Sclerosis and gait impairment: Moving from the subjective to the objective - Measurement as markers for disease progression. Poster session at Gait & Clinical Movement Analysis Society. Indianapolis, IN

Burke C. et. al (2016). Computerized objective gait analysis of the impact of a 6-minute timed walk on selected gait characteristics in people with multiple sclerosis: Putting long legs on a walking scale. Poster presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Vancouver, B.C.

Burke C, Backus D, Hochman L, Sisto S, Alon G. (Oct 2016) Stimulating discussion: FES as a rehabilitation tool for people with neurological diseases, spinal cord injury and stroke. Platform presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Congress of Rehabilitative Medicine. Chicago, IL.

Burke, C, Trebing, S, Kume, J, Cambino, J, Kim, K, Steinkraus, P, Therrien, M. (Jan 2016) The efficacy of combined therapeutic protocol of large-amplitude movement, exercise, and balance training on patients with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster presentation at the APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Anaheim, CA.

Burke, C. (May 2015) Rehabilitation of the individual aging with multiple sclerosis. Platform presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Indianapolis, IN.

Burke C, Gudesblatt M, Wissemann K, Zarif M, Bumstead B, Fafard L, Thotam SM, Magel JR, Buhse M,  Muratori L. (2015) Multiple Sclerosis: Computerized objective gait analysis of the impact of a 6-minute timed walk on selected gait characteristics in people with multiple sclerosis .  Poster presentation at 31st Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. Barcelona, Spain.

Gudesblatt M, Wissemann K, Marcote P, Zarif M,  Bumstead B, Burke C, Fafard L, Thotam SM, Buhse M, Sosnoff J, Muratori L. (2015) Multiple Sclerosis and EDSS: A walking scale with no legs.  Poster presentation at 31st Congress of European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. Barcelona, Spain. 

Burke C. (2015) Rehabilitation of the individual aging with multiple sclerosis.  Platform presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Indianapolis, IN.

Callahan C, Goodine J, Remillard L, Hochman L, Milazzo M, Santasier A, Squillace M, Block P, Cesiro J, Burke C. (2015) Empower SCI: A second chance at rehabilitation. Poster presentation at the Converging Sciences Summit, Stony Brook, NY.

Bumstead, B, Megna, J, Zarif, M, John, S, Burke, C, Thotam, S, Rosenberg, C, Fafard, L, Buhse, M, Bennett, S, Muratori, L, Gudesblatt, M. (October 2012). MS: Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy (ITB) can provide measurable gains beyond spasticity reduction.  Poster presentation at the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. Lyons, France.

Gudesblatt, M, Lamberg, E, McKenna R, Zarif M, Burke C, Bumstead B, Fafard L, Buhse M, Muratori, LM. (2012) Multiple Sclerosis & Gait Impairment: Moving from the Subjective to the Objective - Measurement as Markers for Disease Progression. Poster presentation for the 28th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. Lyon, France.

Burke C., Magel J. (2012) The effects of a 6-minute endurance walk on selected gait characteristics in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, San Diego, CA.

Sofer R., Burke C, Magel J, Atlas S, Hubbard N, Shulman R, Strein E. (2012) Comparison of an endurance and balance intervention on gait parameters in individuals with multiple sclerosis. Poster presentation at the Annual Conference and Exposition of the American physical Therapy Association, Tampa, FL.

Gudesblatt, M, Lamberg E., McKenna R., Zarif M., Burke C., Gutman M., Bumstead B., Fafard L., Seidel C., Cruz L., Fahie S. Bohuslaw J., Riley S., Graffitti L.,and Muratori, L. (2010) Objective gait measures as markers for disease progression in Multiple Sclerosis, Poster presentation for the15th annual meeting of ACTRIMS, the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis, San Antonio, TX.

Gudesblatt M., Zarif M, Rosen B, Bumstead B, Dunne A, Heyward L, Cruz L, Fafard L, Burke C, Reynolds J, Seidel C (May 2007) Safety in patients with Intrathecal baclofen therapy. Poster presentation at 59th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Boston, MA.

Gudesblatt M, Zarif M, Bumstead B, Dunne A, Heyward L, Cruz L, Farfard L, Burke C, Seidel C (May 2007) Fatigue and sleep disorders. Poster presentation at 59th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Neurology, Boston, MA.

Gudesblatt M, Zarif M, Bumstead B, Dunne A, Heyward L, Cruz L, Fafard L, Burke C, Siedel C (June 2007) Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy: Insensitivity – Myth or Reality? Poster presentation at 21st Annual Meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, Washington D.C.

Burke C, Denham T (October 1990). Vestibular Rehabilitation. One day Educational Session at the New York Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, Albany, NY.

Funded Grant Activity

McConlogue Ferro, A (PI), McGoldrick, K., Burke, C. Inclusion Done Right! Optimizing Community-based Inclusion for People with Disabilities Conference. OVPR Seed Grant. $5,000