Kristen Kagan, PT, DPT, MS

Kristen Kagan

Kristen Kagan, PT, DPT, MS

Director of Clinical Education
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Physical Therapy
Stony Brook University

Phone: (631) 444-6931

Dr. Kagan received her Bachelors of Science in Psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2002, a combined Bachelors/Masters of Science in Health Sciences and Physical Therapy from the City University of New York Staten Island in 2007, and completed her post-professional DPT from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2009. She is currently enrolled in an EdD program in Education, Leadership and Change at SUNY Empire State College, with anticipated completion in the fall of 2026.

Dr. Kagan has been a practicing clinician for 14 years, beginning her career at Stony Brook Medicine in 2007, where she continues to work per diem.  At Stony Brook Medicine, Kristen gained experience in oncology, cardiac, trauma, pediatrics, neurology, and orthopedics.  Additionally, she has extensive experience as an independent contractor in acute inpatient rehabilitation, subacute rehabilitation, home health, and school-based pediatrics.  Most recently Kristen worked full-time in a home health setting providing services to patients in their homes.  

Dr. Kagan began her academic career in 2012 as an Adjunct Faculty Professor in the PTA program at Suffolk County Community College, and was later promoted to Adjunct Assistant Professor.  She remains there as faculty, currently teaching Acute Care and Clinical Practicum I, and assisting with the management of clinical education experiences. Kristen has also taught Physical Therapy Interventions I in the PTA program. at Suffolk County Community College.

Dr. Kagan joined the team of Directors of Clinical Education in the DPT program at Stony Brook in the summer of 2021.  She is a Lab Assistant in Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy I and a Teaching Assistant in Professional Practice II.  Her primary scholarly interests include student success and retention in academics and clinical education.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Nuruzzaman, F., Lu, W., DeChello, K., Fineberg, I.C., Kagan, K., & Fleit, H.B. (2024). Development and implementation of a multidisciplinary translational course using Rheumatoid Arthritis as a model for chronic illness during the medical student clerkship year. Medical Science Educator.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations

Kagan, K., Krawczyk, K., Imperio, C., Rotondo, A., & Antoine, L. (October 2024). Does Cohort Size and Institution Type Matter? Examining Sense of Belonging in First-Year DPT Programs. Professional Poster at ACAPT Educational Leadership Conference, Oakland, CA.