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Sharon Martino, PT, PhD Director of Research Phone: 631-444-3256 |
Dr. Martino received her Baccalaureate degree in Physical Therapy from Hunter College and went on to receive her Master of Science degree in Health Care Policy and Management with an emphasis on Education from Stony Brook University. She completed her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Physical Therapy from Nova Southeastern University, Florida, in 2010. Dr. Martino currently teaches in the Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program in the areas of Research Design and Statistics, Evidence Based Practice, and Health and Wellness.
Dr. Martino’s current research interests revolve around the multi-system disorders that are associated with child and adult obesity. Currently she is the principal investigator of a funded study exploring the role of exercise intensity on body composition, cardiovascular endurance and endothelial health (using diagnostic ultrasound) in overweight / obese children. Past funded studies have looked at developing, validating and implementing a wireless activity sensor in the obese and healthy weight pediatric population. Dr. Martino is also co-investigator on a study looking at the role of health technology and applications in promoting exercise, healthy nutrition and reducing stress in the pre- and post-surgical bariatric patient.
Dr. Martino co-directs the Fit Kids for Life program, a nutritional and exercise program offered to children who are at risk for cardiovascular disease, including those with hypertension, elevated cholesterol and/or in or above the 85th percentile for Body Mass Index (overweight or obese), and to their parents/guardians. Interdisciplinary in nature, this twice weekly program is administered by a pediatric cardiologist, physical therapist, registered dietician, dietary interns, and behavioral psychologists, and has been offered over the past 18 years to children between the ages of 8 and 17, and their families.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Soltero, G., Szeszulski, J., Knell, G.,Victor, EC., Martino, SA. (2023) Managing Pediatric Obesity Using Advanced Therapies. In A Practical Guide for Pediatric Health Care Providers. Claudia K. Fox, Ed. Springer Nature, NY. NY. ISBN:3031373804, 9783031373800.
Martino SA, Agbelie CM, Meiet W, et al., Inclusion team science improves participation of children with disabilities inpediatric obesity programs, Disability and Health Journal, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2021.101186
Martino SA & Gostic C. (2018) Commentary on "Trends in attitudes and practice patterns of physical therapists in addressing childhood obesity in schools." Ped Phys Ther 30(1):49.
Phillips SA, Martino SA, Arena R. (2017) Research opportunities and challenges in the era of healthy living medicine: Unlocking the potential. Prog in Cardio Diseases, doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2017.01.006
Martino, SA (2010) Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Body Composition, Fitness Levels and Quality of Life In Overweight and Obese 8-17 Year Olds. Dissertation.
Litcher-Kelly, L, Martino, SA, Broderick, JE and Stone, AA (2007) A Systematic Review of Measures Used to Assess Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain in Clinical and Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials. The Journal of Pain, Volume 8, Issue 12, December 2007, 906-913.
Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations
Martino, SA, Warren, K, Canterella, A ,Morelli, PJ. (2024 March) Pediatric obesity and long-term cardiometabolic outcomes: A clinical case study. Poster presented at Women in Medicine and Science Conference, Stony Brook University, NY.
Warren,K, O'Brien, J. and Martino, S. (2024 March) Interprofessional collaboration to advance the health and wellness of graduate students in allied health professional programs. Poster presented at Women in Medicine and Science Conference, Stony Brook University, NY.
Warren, K, Martino, SA, O'Brien. (2024, Nov) Interprofessional collaboration to explore graduate student wellness. ASAHP conference, Atlanta , GA.
Chow, N,. Kaimis, A, Lee, S. Mousazadeh, A., Oh, C., Zou, N., Maritno, S, Strey, H. (2024) Exergame design for child obesity. Poster at URECA.
Caraan, J., Zimmerli, P., Chen, JX, Chung, A., Marquez, M., Martino, S, Strey, H. (2024) RyseStride senior design project. Poster at URECA.
Martino SA, Warren KA, Morelli PJ, Zillo C, Zhang J. (2023, Nov). Pediatric obesity and cardiometabolic health outcomes – A five year journey. Poster presentation at Greater NY ACSM.
Morelli PJ, Caterella A, Rozensky R, Endee L, Warren KA, Milazzo M, Cuff S. (2023, Oct.) Creating an interdisciplinary service-learning project for health professionals to promote health and wellness of children who are obese. Poster presentation at ASAHP Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Martino S, Morelli, P, (2023, Feb). Fit Kids for Life! An inter-professional service-learning experience for health professions students. Special Interest Report: Poster presentation at APTA CSM, San Diego, CA.
Martino, SA, McKenna RF, Czujko PN, Morelli P (2022) The effect of exercise intensity on cardiovascular health and body composition: results from 2 cohorts. APTA CSM, San Antonio, TX.
Martino SA, Agrawal A, McKenna RF, Morelli P (2021). The effect of exercise intensity on cardiovascular health and body composition: a pilot study. Virtual NYPTA Meeting.
Martino SA, Morelli PJ, Phillips SA, Canterella A. (2020) From community to research: Promoting health and wellness through a team approach. APTA Combined Sections Meeting. Denver, CO.
Agrawal A, Morelli PJ, Martino SA. (2019) Fit Kids for Life! The effect of 12 weeks of exercise on cardiovascular health and body composition in children who are overweight or obese. American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)-Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight Innovations in Obesity Prevention, Assessment and Treatment Forum. New Orleans, LA.
Agrawal A, Morelli PJ, Martino SA. (2019) The effect of exercise intensity on cardiovascular health and body composition in children who are overweight or obese: A pilot study. Stony Brook Medicine Pediatric Research Day. Stony Brook, NY. *Recipient of Best Platform Presentation.
Martino SA, Morelli PJ, and Phillips SA. (2017) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Children's Fitness, Wellness and Prevention; Educational Session at APTA CSM. San Antonio, TX.
Martino SA, Demalderis S, Czujko PN, Morelli PJ. (2017) Inclusive fitness program for children with obesity and special needs. Poster presentation. The Obesity Society's 34th Annual Meeting at ObesityWeek, Washington,DC.
Martino SA, Czujko P, Morelli PJ. (2016, Feb) Inter-professional collaboration and service learning: When do students learn to play in the sandbox and do they value this experience? Poster Presentation, Education Section, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Martino, SA, Tuppo, C. (2015, Nov) Adding Exercise to the Bariatric Program (Invited Speaker). Obesity Society Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Martino, SA, Rimmer, J, Phillips, SA, Sisto, SA, Lamberg, EM, McKenna, R, Streb, R, Ness, K, and MIlazzo, M. (2015). (Full day instructional course) -The Role of Health Care Professionals in Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, ACRM, Dallas, TX, October 2015.
Martino, SA., Phillips, SA , Evidence Based Practice for the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases Across the Lifespan. ACRM, Dallas, TX, October 2015.
Martino, SA, Humayon, S., Morelli, PJ, Cesior, J. (2015). Fit families for life! Plenary panel discussion at the Converging Sciences Summit, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, April 2015.
Martino, SA, Sisto, SA, Schilller, B., Brittelli, J (2014). Validation of a wireless physical activity and heart rate monitor on overweight and healthy weight children. ACRM. Toronto, Canada, Oct 2014.
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ (2014). Fit Families: The role of parents in the fight against pediatric obesity, ACRM. Toronto, Canada, Oct 2014.
Martino, SA, Lamberg, EM, Sniffen, J, and McKenna, R. (2014). Postural Balance and Strength in Overweight and Healthy Weight Children. ACRM. Toronto, Canada, Oct 2014.
Martino, SA. Pediatric Obesity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to a Multi-Faceted Problem. Full day continuing education seminar presented for New York Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference as an invited speaker, NYPTA conference, Albany, NY. October, 2013.
Gouzman M, Martino SA, Sisto SA, Brittelli J, Schiller B. (2013) A Wireless Modular Sensor System For Combatting Childhood Obesity. CEWIT International Conference, Melville, NY.
Martino, SA, Sisto, SA, Gouzman, M, Brittelli, J (2013). Development and validation of a wireless physical activity and heart rate monitor for children who are overweight/obese. ICAMPAM conference 2013, Amherst MA. June, 2013.
Martino, SA, Lamberg, EM, Morelli, PJ, Cerrone, C. (2013). Use of the BioSway Portable Balance System to assess postural stability in overweight and obese children. National APTA conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. June, 2013.
Martino, SA, Phillips, SA. Assessment and treatment of the obese patient across the lifespan: The role of physical therapy. Combined Sections Meeting for APTA: 8 hour preconference talk / San Diego, CA. January, 2013.
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ. Fit Kids for Life: A University Medical Center Based Program Promoting Cardiovascular Health. The NIH/CDC Weight of the Nation Conference, Washington, DC, April, 2012
Martino, SA, Education session for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Section of the APTA. Pediatric Obesity: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to a Multi-Faceted Problem. APTA CSM. Chicago, IL. February, 2012.
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ, Sisto, SA, Einav, S, Das, S, Brittelli, J, Gouzman, M. Development and validation of a wireless physical activity and heart rate monitor: Pilot data. Translational Science 2012, Washington, DC. April, 2012.
Martino, SA. Changes in body composition, fitness levels and cardiac risk factors following a 10 week exercise and nutrition program for overweight and obese children. Occasion: Women in Medicine and Research Day, Stony Brook University. April, 2011
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ, Sisto, SA, Rosenthal, R. Changes in body composition, fitness levels and cardiac risk factors following a 10 week exercise and nutrition program for overweight and obese children. APTA-CSM. February, 2011
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ, Sisto, SA, Lamberg, EM. Outcomes of a Multi-Disciplinary 20 Week Fitness and Nutrition Program. Obesity 2010: 28th Annual Scientific Meeting Date: October, 2010
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ. Fit Kids for Life I: Outcomes of a 20 Week Nutrition and Exercise Program. National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality: Annual forum for improving children’s healthcare and childhood obesity congress. March, 2010
Martino, SA, Morelli, PJ., Dixon, DD. Title: Changes in BMI and blood pressure following a 10 week exercise and nutrition program for children who are overweight or obese. APTA-CSM. February, 2010
Martino, SA, Kauman, A, Hansen, K., Fernandez, V. Teaching other disciplines how to administer an exercise program: The role of Physical Therapy students In an inter-disciplinary cardiovascular risk prevention program for overweight and obese children. Occasion: APTA-CSM. February, 2008
Funded Grant Activity
Warren, KA, O'Brien, J, Martino, SA, Interprofessional collaboration to advance the health and wellness of graduate students in allied health professional programs, ASAHP Innovation Grant, 2023.
Martino, SA, Yin, W. , Gonzalez, A., Warren, K, Thomson, K., Effects of activity tracking and virtual reality mindfulness on stress and cardiometabolic health of college students. OVPR 2023 Seed Grant.
Martino, S, Morelli, P, Canterella, A., Rozensky, R, Endee, L ,Warren, K, Milazzo,M, Cuff, S, Czujko, P-N. Creating an interdisciplinary service-learning project for health professionals to promote health and wellness of children who are obese. ASAHP Collaboration Grant, 2022.
Martino S, Mercier H, Ballan M, Tryhlar M, & Cuff S. Empowering Students with Disabilities to Advance Accessible Health and Wellness at Stony Brook. Stony Brook University Presidential Diversity Grant.
Martino, SA. , Principal Investigator. Co-Investigators: McKenna, R., Morelli, PJ, Agrawal, A. The effect of exercise intensity on cardiovascular health and body composition in children who are overweight or obese: A pilot study. Alfred J. Nelson/ NYPTA grant ($12,500). August 2018.
Martino, S., Principal Investigator; Brittelli, J., Dwyer, D. Sleep health in children: Causes, consequences and compliance. Stony Brook University Seed Grants for Survey Research (SGSR) ($10,000) May, 2012
Martino, SA, PI. Co-investigators: Dwyer, D, Kier, C, and Brittelli, J. Survey study of parents of children who have undergone sleep studies. Granting Agency: SBU Survey Center Seed Grant. Amount of Award: $10,000 per one year. July 2012.
Martino, SA, PI. Saucony Run for Good Grant. Granting agency: Saucony. Amount of Award: $10,000 per year for one year. March 2011.
Sharon Martino, PI; Co-investigators: Peter Morelli, MD, Samir Das, Shmuel Einav. Development and validation of a wireless activity monitor in overweight children. Granting agency: Stony Brook University TRO / FUSION. Amount of Award: $80,000. November 2010-2012.
Sharon Martino, PI. Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Body Composition, Fitness Levels and Quality Of Life In Overweight And Obese 8-17 Year Olds: Outcomes Of A 10-Week Multi-Disciplinary Randomized Controlled Trial. Granting agency: General Clinical Research Center Grant MO1RR10710 Amount of funding: $26,500 per year for two years. 2008-2010.