Lisa M. Muratori, PT, EdD Professor Phone: 631-444-6583 |
Dr. Muratori received a BS from Fairfield University in Biology, a BA in Physical Therapy from Stony Brook University and an EdD from the Department of Biobehavioral Science at Teachers College, Columbia University.
Dr. Muratori has extensive clinical experience in school and hospital-based facilities focusing on treatment of individuals with neurological deficits. Currently, she teaches in the Doctorate in Physical Therapy Program of Stony Brook University in the areas of motor learning, motor control and in the Evidence Based Practice course sequence.
Dr. Muratori’s research interests include cognitive motor interference and dual task interventions for people with neurological disease or injury, visual-motor coordination, and sensorimotor input for postural control in healthy individuals and individuals with movement disorders. Dr. Muratori is currently engaged in studies examining duel task training in individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD), Huntington's disease (HD) and multiple sclerosis and assessing visual perception in PD and HD. In addition, Dr. Muratori collaborates on multiple projects examining the development of novel technologies for improving health outcomes in PD and is working with the Department of Mechanical Engineering through an NSF grant to develop adaptive equipment for children with special needs in Suffolk County.
Outside of work, Dr. Muratori has spent the past twenty years volunteering with the Adaptive Sports Foundation, teaching skiing to people with a wide range neurological movement disorders through sport. As a member of several working groups in national and international organizations, Dr. Muratori uses her research background and clinical skills to help form policy and practice among physical therapists treating patients with HD and PD. She is also active with international medical outreach programs and local community-based social programs in her Manhattan neighborhood. Dr. Muratori continues to find ways to merge her research, clinical, and personal interests to build a career centered on improving function and quality of life for individuals with mobility impairments.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Muratori L, Cruickshank T, Jones U, et al. Maximizing the delivery of evidence-based literature to persons with HD: a co-design studyJournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2024;95:A123.
Yu B, Muratori L, Kloos A, et al. Challenging balance and gait tasks may indicate early declines in Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2024;95:A78-A79.
Ekwall C, Agarwal V, Delgado V, Muratori, L, et al. Implementation of the physiotherapy guidelines in healthcare clinics: a resource toolbox. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 2024;95:A124.
Dunn MJ, Alexander RG, Amiebenomo OM, Arblaster G, Atan D, Erichsen JT, Ettinger U, Giardini ME, Gilchrist ID, Hamilton R, Hessels RS, Hodgins S, Hooge ITC, Jackson BS, Lee H, Macknik SL, Martinez-Conde S, Mcilreavy L, Muratori LM, Niehorster DC, Nyström M, Otero-Millan J, Schlüssel MM, Self JE, Singh T, Smyrnis N, Sprenger A. (2023, July) Minimal reporting guidelines for research involving eye tracking. Behav Res(2023).
Quinn L, Playle R, Drew CJG, Taiyari K, Williams-Thomas R, Muratori LM, Hamana K, Griffin BA, Kelson M, Schubert R, Markoulidakis A, Rosser A, Busse M and the PACE-HD principal investigators.(2022) Physical Activity and Exercise outcomes in Huntington’s Disease (PACE-HD): Results of a 12-month trial-within-cohort evaluation of a physical activity intervention in people with Huntington’s Disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. Volume 101, August 2022, Pages 75-89.
Muratori LM, Quinn L, Fritz N, Crucishank T. (2022) EHDN Physiotherapy Working Group: Understanding the perspectives of the HD community regarding the presentation and dissemination of the physiotherapy practice guidelines. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Sep 2022, 93 (Suppl 1) A72; DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.190
Agarwal V, Kloos A, Ekwall C, Filip M, Delgado V, Sia T, Fritz N, Quinn L, Rao A, Muratori L, On behalf of the Members of the European Huntington’s Disease Network Physiotherapy Working Group (2022) Translating physiotherapy guidelines for Huntington´s disease to practice in clinical specialist and outpatient settings. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Sep 2022, 93 (Suppl 1) A72; DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2022-ehdn.191
Lau J, Regis C, Kaleda M, Burke C, McKenna R, Muratori L, (2022, May) Immersive technology to improve gait in persons with Parkinson’s disease, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Zanato T, Sosnoff J, Ofori E, Golan D, Zarif M, Bumstead B, Buhse M, Kaczmarek O, Wilken J, Muratori L, Covey TJ, Gudesblatt M. (2022, January) Variability of Objective Gait Measures across the Expanded Disability Status Scale in People Living with Multiple Sclerosis: a cross-sectional retrospective analysis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders.
Desai, R, Blacutt B, Youdan G, Fritz NE, Muratori, L, Hausdorff, JM, Busse, M, Quinn L. (2022, April) Postural control and gait measures derived from wearable inertial measurement unit devices in Huntington’s disease: recommendations for clinical outcomes. Clinical Biomechanics.
Squillace M, Krupp L, Ray S, Muratori L. (2022) Pinch Strength Measurements of Adolescents with Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis.
Muratori LM, Quinn L, Li X, Busse M, Fritz N. (2021) Measures of Postural Control and Mobility During Dual-Tasking as Candidate Markers of Instability in Huntington’s Disease. Human Movement Science. Volume 80, December 2021, 102881
Karen K, Fritz NE, Busse M, Muratori L, Gazit E, Hillel I, Scheinowitz M, Gurevich T, Inbar N, Omer N, Hausdorff JM, Quinn L. (2021) Quantification of Daily-Living Gait Quantity and Quality using a Wrist-worn Accelerometer in Huntington's Disease. Frontiers in Neurology, 27 October 2021
Desai R, Fritz NE, Muratori L, Hausdorff JM, Busse M, Quinn L. (2021, June) Evaluation of gait initiation using inertial sensors in Huntington’s Disease: insights into anticipatory postural adjustments and cognitive interference. Gait & Posture, (87) 117-122.
Gaßner H, Jensen D, Marxreiter F, Kletsch A, Bohlen S, Schubert R, Muratori LM, Eskofier B, Klucken J, Winkler J, Reilmann R, Kohl Z (2020) Gait variability as a marker of disease severity in Huntington’s disease. Journal of Neurology.
Drew CJG, Quinn L, Hamana K Williams-Thomas R, Marsh L, Dimitropoulou P, Playle R, Griffin BA, Kelson M, Schubert R, Muratori L, Reilmann R, Rosser A, Busse M. (2019) Physical ACtivity and Exercise outcomes in Huntington’s Disease (PACE-HD): Protocol for a 12-month Trial within cohort evaluation of a physical activity intervention in people with Huntington’s Disease. Physical Therapy, (99)1201–1210.
Morris I, Vasudevan E, Schedel M, Weymouth D, Loomis J, Pinkhasov T, Muratori LM. (2019) Music to one’s ears: Familiarity leads to engagement in people with Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 25,
Mathias T, Evinger LC, Reilmann R. Muratori LM (2019). Biological motion perception in Huntington’s disease. Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 8(3):311-321.
Beckmann H, Bohlen S, Muratori LM, Saft S, Hoffmann R, Gerss J, Ringelstei B, Landwehrmeyer GB, Reilmann R. (2018) Objective Assessment of Gait and Posture in premanifest and manifest Huntington’s disease – a multi-center study. Gait & Posture;62:451- 457.
Rieke L, Schubert R, Muratori LM, Matheis T, Motlik J, Schuldenzucker V, Schramke S,Fels M, Kemper N, Reilmann R. (2018) Vocalisation as a viable assessment for phenotyping minipigs transgenic for the Huntington gene? Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 7(3):269-278.
Schuldenzucker V., Schubert R, Muratori LM, Rieke L, Matheis T, Freisfeld F, Motlik J,Kemper N, Reilmann R. (2018) Behavioral Assessment of Stress Compensation in Minipigs Transgenic for the Huntington Gene Using Cortisol Levels: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Journal of Huntington’s Disease, 7(2):151-161
McIsaac T, Fritz N, Quinn, L, Muratori LM. (2018) Cognitive-Motor Interference inNeurodegenerative Disease: A Narrative Review and Implications for Clinical Management Frontiers in Psychology,
Greco J., Lamberg E.M., McKenna R.F., & Muratori L.M. (2018). Trends in availability and usage of biophysical agents among physical therapists in the United States. Physical Therapy Reviews 23(2)116-123.
Muratori LM, Schedel M, Weymouth D, Pinkhasov T, Loomis J, Morris I, Vasudevan E. (2016) Sonification of Gait to Create Real-Time Auditory Feedback for People with Parkinson’s Disease. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. In Press.
McIsaac TL, Lamberg EM, Muratori LM. (2015) Building a framework for a dual task taxonomy. Biomed Research International. PMID 25961027 DOI: 10.1155/2015/591475
Lamberg, EM ,Muratori, LM, Streb, R, Werner, M, Penna, J. (2014) Harness supported versus conventional treadmill training for people with lower limb amputation: A Preliminary Report. Journal ofProsthetics and Orthotics, 26: 93-98.
Rabin, E. Chen, J., Muratori LM., DiFrancesco-Donoghue, J., Werner, W. (2013) Haptic feedback from manual contact improves balance control in people with Parkinson's disease. Gait and Posture. Epub ahead of print, Jan 11, 2013.
Muratori, LM, Lamberg, EM, Quinn, L, and Duff, S (2013). Applying principles of motor learning and control to upper extremity rehabilitation. Journal of Hand Therapy. 26:94-103.
Muratori, LM, Beers K, Cooke, L, Rabin, E. (November, 2012) The influence of gaze on static postural control in individuals with Huntington's disease.Poster session at the 6th Annual Huntington's Disease Research Symposium. Seattle, Washington.
Beers K, Muratori, LM, Cooke, L, Rabin, E. (October, 2012) The influence of gaze on static postural control in individuals with Huntington's disease.Poster session at the Osteopathic Medicine Conference and Exposition. San Diego, California
Bumstead B, Megna, J, Zarif M, John, S, Burke, C, Thotam, S, Rosenberg, C, Fafard, L, Buhse M, Bennett, S, Muratori, LM, Gudesblatt, M. (October, 2012) Multiple Sclerosis: Intrathecal Baclofen Therapy (ITB) can provide measurable gains beyond spasticity reduction. Poster presentation for the 28th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis. Lyon, France.
Lamberg, EM, Muratori, L, Streb, R, Penna, J, and Werner, M (2012, November). Functional improvement through use of body weight support treadmill training in people with lower limb amputation: a pilot study. Poster session at the Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Atlanta, GA.
Muratori, L. COHORT Investigators (2012) Characterization of a large group of individuals with huntington disease and their relatives enrolled in the COHORT study. PLoS One. 2012;7(2):e29522. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029522. Epub 2012 Feb 16.
Muratori, L. COHORT Investigators (2012) CAG repeat expansion in Huntington disease determines age at onset in a fully dominant fashion.Neurology. 2012 Mar 6;78(10):690-5.
Lamberg, EM and Muratori, LM. (2012) Cell phones change the way we walk. Gait and Posture. 35(4):688-90.
Kloos AD, Muratori LM. (2001) Toolbox of outcome measures for individuals with Huntington’s disease. APTA Degenerative Diseases Special Interest Group Newsletter.
Rabin, E, Muratori, LM, Svokos, K, Gordon, A. Tactile/proprioceptive integration during arm localization is intact in individuals with Parkinson's disease. Neuroscience Letters. 2010 470: 38-42.
Muratori LM, Rao AK, Louis ED, Moskowitz CB, Marder KS. Validating clinical outcome measures of balance and mobility impairments in Huntington’s disease. Gait and Posture. 2009 Apr; 29(3):433-6.
Rao AK, Muratori L, Louis ED, Moskowitz CB, Marder KS. Spectrum of gait impairments in presymptomatic and symptomatic Huntington's disease. Mov Disord. 2008 Jun; 23(8):1100-7.
Muratori LM, McIsaac TL, Gordon AM, Santello M. Impaired anticipatory control of force sharing patterns during whole-hand grasping in Parkinson's disease. Exp Brain Res. 2008 Feb;185(1):41-52.
Muratori LM, Dapul G, Bartels MN, Gordon AM. Effect of object transport on grasp coordination in multiple system atrophy. Mov Disord. 2006 Apr;21(4):555-63.
Santello M, Muratori LM, Gordon AM. Control of multidigit grasping in Parkinson's disease: effect of object property predictability. Experimental Neurology, 2004;187: 517-28.
Muratori LM, Reilmann RR, Gordon AM. Coordination of fingertip forces during precision grasping in multiple system atrophy. Neuropsychologia. 2003;41(11):1498-508.
Funded Grant Activity
Muratori LM (PI), Djuric PM, Jain S, Schedel M, Plotkin J. Engineering Gait Rehabilitation in Parkinson's Disease through Music and AI. OVPR Seed Grant.
Gillespie, M (PI), Muratori, L, Timko-Swaim, L, Viboud. G. Circulating microRNA Molecular Biomarkers Signature for Parkinson’s Disease Classifiers. Pharmaceutical Sciences, St. John’s University.
Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals Incorporated: A Multicentre, Interventional, Post-marketing, Randomised, Double-blind, Crossover Study to Evaluate the Clinical Safety and Efficacy of AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport®) in Comparison with OnabotulinumtoxinA (Botox®) when Treating Adults with Upper Limb Spasticity. Role: co-Investigator.
Fritz, N. Balance HD: Developing a novel balance outcome measure for people with Huntington’s disease. Teva Pharmaceuticals. Role: Site Principle Investigator.
Muratori LM. Achieving impact through translation of novel findings of motion perception deficits in Huntington’s disease to therapeutic interventions. Wales Global Mobility Fund.; Role Site Principle Investigator.
Muratori LM. Physical activity and exercise outcomes in Huntington's Disease (PACE-HD). Jacques and Gloria Gossweiler Foundation Role: Co-investigator
Muratori LM, Weymouth D, Schedel M, Loomis J. Real-time auditory feedback for persons with Parkinson's Disease: Overcoming akinesia with music. Hartman Center for Parkinson's Research.
Hochman L, Muratori LM, Canbek J, Cheng S. Effects of functional electrical stimulation cycling versus cycling only on walking performance and quality of life in individuals with Multiple Sclerosis: A pilot study. Role: Primary Investigator. NYPTA Arthur J. Nelson Research Designated Fund.
Muratori, LM, Lamberg EM, Christodoulo, C, Wu, S. Walking while taking: the effects of dual-task on gait and cognition in Parkinson's disease. Hartman Foundation for Parkinson's Disease. April 2013-March 2015.
Muratori, LM, Lamberg EM, Christodoulo, C, Wu, S, Sisto, SA. Improving gait and cognition in Parkinson's disease: A dual-task intervention study. Hartman Foundation for Parkinson's Disease, Role: Principal Investigator
Evinger, LC, Muratori LM. Perception of biological motion in Parkinson's disease. Grant awarded to Stony Brook University to transition to Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson's Disease at Stony Brook. Role: Principle Investigator.
Muratori LM. Development of an online Motor Learning and Motor Control Course. TLT Talent Grant. Division of Information Technology, Stony Brook University. Role: Principle Investigator
Muratori, LM, Lamberg, EM, Christodoulou, C, Sisto, SA, Krupp, LM. And Gudesblatt, M. Assessing and treating walking impairment in MS: A novel approach addressing the cognitive demands of walking through a multi-task locomotor training paradigm. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Role: Principle Investigator
Peer-Reviewed Presentations
Muratori L, Fritz N. Cruickshank T, et al. Generating Resources to Optimize Wellness in HD - The GROW Workshop. EHDN & Enroll-HD 2024, Strasbourg, France. September 2024.
Hochman L, Culotta N, Joseph T, Luo X, Obeidat A, Sarabia, Muratori L, Burke C.(2024, Feb). Predicting falls using figure of 8 walking and gait speed in people with Parkinson’s Disease. Poster presentation at APTA's CSM, Boston, MA.
Schedel M, Ramakrishnan IV, Muratori LM.(2023) WeStep: An individualized neurorehabilitation gait system using music and AI. Poster presentation at the NSF DARE Conference: Transformative Opportunities for Modeling in Neurorehabilitation. Los Angeles, CA.
Quinn L, Shih HJ , Playle R , Drew C , Taiyari K , Williams-Thomas R , Muratori L, Friel CP, Morgan-Jones P , Rosser A, and Busse M on behalf of the PACE-HD Trial Management Group and PACE HD site principal investigators. (2022, Feb) Consultative coaching model for long-term exercise engagement in people with Huntington's disease. Platform presentation APTA CSM, San Antonio, TX.
Busse M, Playle R, Drew C, Taiyari K, Williams-Thomas R, Muratori L, Hamana K, Griffin BA, Kelson M, Schubert S, Rosser A & Quinn L & the PACE-HD & Enroll-HD principal investigators. (2021, Nov) Exploring outcomes of long-term physical activity and exercise outcomes in people with Huntington’s disease: Results of the PACE-HD Clinical Trial. Huntingon’s Study Group Annual Conference, Virtual.
McIsaac T, Muratori LM, Fritz N, Studer M, Whetton B. (2017, Feb.) Applying the dual-task taxonomy: Cognitive, auditory, visual and manual modes. Educational session at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX.