Respiratory Care 2024-2028 Strategic Plan

Respiratory Care
2024-2028 Strategic Plan

Guided by our 2024-2028 strategic plan, our Respiratory Care program is dedicated to cultivating a learning environment where educational excellence, innovative research endeavors, collaborative efforts, and impactful partnerships converge. This strategic plan propels our program forward, emphasizing not only the acquisition of knowledge but also its practical application in real-world contexts. We are dedicated to equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and mindset needed to thrive in an ever-evolving world, preparing them to address complex challenges and contribute positively to the health and welfare of their patients, clients and community members.


The mission of the Stony Brook University Respiratory Care Program is to offer the highest quality medical education and clinical skills in a learning environment that fosters critical thinking, encourages professional leadership, inspires research, and instills a strong appreciation of ethical values and human diversity.

Strategic Priority I - Program Education Delivery

Goal I.1 – Growth | Enhance growth by improving access, quality reputation, and best-in-class education


Objective 1 – Quality: Advance outstanding national quality rankings

  • Tactic - RC will uphold the highest educational standards of its program to ensure continued accreditation with CoARC.

Objective 2 – Access: Improving equitable access

  • Tactic - RC will continue to support equitable access to its program.

Goal I.2 - Student-centric | Review and update processes to increase student engagement

Objective 1 - Improve Student Communication and Engagement

  • Tactic - RC will increase engagement with freshmen declared students on west campus.
  • Tactic - RC will enhance its communication with students who have applied to the program.
  • Tactic - RC will enhance its communication and engagement with enrolled students through graduation.

Objective 2 - Improve Recruitment

  • Tactic - RC will develop a comprehensive recruitment plan for Freshmen Declared Majors and SBU students.
  • Tactic - RC will establish an articulation agreement with 1-2 local colleges.

Goal I.3 - Novel Education | Foster education and training experience

Objective 1 - Deliver education model that achieves optimal outcomes

  • Tactic - RC will meet or exceed standard pass rates for NBRC / TMC / CSE exams, based on accreditation requirements.
  • Tactic - RC will meet or exceed standard employment satisfaction rates based on accreditation requirements.
  • Tactic - RC will meet or exceed standard graduation satisfaction rates based on accreditation requirements.
  • Tactic - RC will meet or exceed standard retention rates based on accreditation requirements.
  • Tactic - RC will prepare leaders for the field of respiratory care with SLOs related to the acquisition of management, education, research and advanced clinical practice.

Objective 2 - Foster Interprofessional Education and Training Experiences

  • Tactic - RC will ensure student engagement in IPE activities throughout the curriculum.
  • Tactic - RC will ensure students engage in IPE learning experiences in the classroom.

Strategic Priority II - Program Workforce and Culture

Goal II.1 - High- performance culture | Attract, cultivate, recognize and maintain and outstanding workforce

Objective 1 - Workforce Engagement: Promote a work environment that cultivates faculty and staff engagement, wellness, and satisfaction

  • Tactic - RC department will foster an environment that supports faculty and staff mentorship, professional development and training opportunities.

Objective 2 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Create a diverse and inclusive culture that values and leverages the unique perspectives, backgrounds and talents of all individuals

  • Tactic - RC will strategize to increase recruitment of a diverse student body to better reflect our community.
  • Tactic - RC department will support professional development opportunities to incorporate inclusive pedagogy in the RC curriculum.

Strategic Priority III - Program Research

Goal III.1 - Novel research | Encourage and expand research endeavors that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries

Objective 1 - Foster student involvement in research

  • Tactic - RC department will encourage students to develop, participate and present research abstracts and/or proposals at professional events.
  • Tactic - RC department will encourage students to participate in department and/or university research projects. 

Objective 2 - Foster faculty involvement in research

  • Tactic - RC department will encourage faculty to participate in research, develop and publish their findings, and/or present at various professional symposia.

Strategic Priority IV - Program Resources

Goal IV.1 - Enterprise-wide excellence | Promote and advance excellence by allocating and utilizing resources

Objective 1 - Advancement | Support advancement opportunities to increase philanthropy

  • Tactic - RC will increase its participation efforts in Giving day initiative to increase donations to program.

Objective 2 - Alumni engagement: Communicate with Alumni

  • Tactic - RC will increase communication with alumni to foster engagement and partnerships.
  • Tactic - RC will foster and cultivate partnerships with alumni for guest lecturing opportunities.

Objective 3 – Reputation: Create Visibility

  • Tactic - RC will increase visibility across campus and in the health sciences to create awareness of program among Stony Brook students.

Strategic Priority V - Program Community and Partnerships

Goal V.1 - Expansion Partnerships | Foster and advance internal and external partnerships to strengthen community ties and affiliate relationships.

Objective 1 - Community Engagement

  • Tactic - RC will increase its participation in events that benefit the community.
  • Tactic - RC will foster and cultivate partnerships with local agencies to bring awareness to the profession.