Program Specific Costs


Below you will find the projected cost for Athletic Training Students for 2023-24:

CastleBranch - One-time fee of $45

Background Check - One-time cost is approximately $150

Fingerprinting – One-time cost is approximately $120

Liability Insurance – Cost is approximately $50/year

Clothing – Anticipated minimal cost is approximately $200.00

NATA Student Membership – Cost for this professional membership is $100/year

Renewal of Basic Life Support Certification - varies

Supplies - ATS will receive a list of supplies to be purchased; cost varies dependent on preference

Transportation – Cost is dependent on clinical site placement. All AT students are responsible for securing their own transportation to/from their clinical site. This includes cost as well as access to an automobile as many clinical sites are not in close proximity to public transportation.

Health Insurance – All full time students are required to have health insurance; either through the University health insurance plan or a comparable alternate health insurance (click here for further information).

Counseling and Health Fee (HCF) - Is assessed to all students as per tuition and fee rates indicated below.

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