NSSLHA Chapter


Email Address: slp_nsslha@stonybrook.edu

President: Laura Falk

Description of Positions and Responsibilities: The president is the official representative of the Graduate Speech-Language Pathology Club. Responsibilities include preparing the agenda for all general body meetings and executive board meetings. The President holds the power to convene and preside over all meetings. Lastly, the president shall further perform duties as may be necessary and proper in fulfilling their office, subject to the executive board's approval. If the President cannot perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation, or impeachment), the Vice President will serve as the President for the remainder of the semester. 

Vice President (and GSO): Maya Klatsky

Description of Positions and Responsibilities: The Vice President shall be responsible for ensuring that standing committee chairpersons are fulfilling their duties, the technical and electronic duties, including but not limited to being the primary contact for the organization, for posting and updating all social media pages for organization; including leading general body meetings. The Vice President shall also perform the president's duties if a president takes a leave of absence, resigns, or is impeached. Lastly, the Vice President may be necessary and proper in fulfilling their office, subject to the executive board's approval. 

Treasurer: Hailey Fajardo

Description of Positions and Responsibilities: The Treasurer of NSSLHA is responsible for keeping a detailed record of money allotted to and raised by the organization. The Treasurer shall oversee any and all fundraising activities that the organization holds and is directly responsible for collecting all monies and allotting them to the proper parties. The Treasurer also shall perform such duties as may be necessary and proper in the fulfillment of their office, subject to the approval of the executive board.  

Secretary: Tatyana Davis 

Description of Positions and Responsibilities: The Secretary shall take minutes and attend all of the meetings, and maintain an up-to-date active voting membership roster. The Secretary shall send out a weekly email, which outlines the agenda of the upcoming meeting, one school day before the meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for requesting space and meeting with various campus partners to ensure the success of events. If the Secretary cannot perform their duties (due to leave of absence, resignation, or assumption of the presidency), a new Secretary will be elected in a special election called by the President. 

Helena Angelakis and Nuvha Samad​​​​​​​  - Social Media

Nuvha Samad  and  Harrison Fiumaro​​​​​​​ - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Melissa Blackmore​​​​​​​ - Event Planner