Disability Studies and Human Development Concentration

Disability Studies and Human Development

This concentration provides an interdisciplinary focus of study in areas such as independent living, employment, adults and children with disabilities, and health and community issues. This is an excellent concentration of study for those students interested in applying to a graduate program in Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (DPT), Speech Language Pathology (SLP), and other fields associated with rehabilitative services that benefit from a foundational understanding in disability studies. Job opportunities for entry-level professional and managerial positions may be found in developmental or physical disability services agencies, independent living centers, mental health centers, the geriatrics and vocational rehabilitations agencies.

Brochure (pdf)


HAN 443 Aging and Disability (3 credits): Provides comprehensive overview of aging and disability. Includes introduction to the field of geriatrics, age related disabilities, and the experiences of people with disabilities as they age. Presents an interdisciplinary perspective. Incorporates social, environmental, cultural, economic and historical issues related to disability and aging. Film, narrative, biography and guest speakers provide students with first-hand accounts of elders with disabilities. Restricted to students approved for appropriate senior year track in the Health Science major.

HAN 446 Disability Health and Community (3 credits) : Presents a comprehensive view of health and community concerns experienced by people with disabilities. Explores historical analysis, biomedical discourse, cultural critique, and field research to understand the evolution of medical practices, cultural beliefs, and social structures influencing the treatments, services, and opportunities available to people with disabilities in the United State and internationally. Includes gender, sexuality, race, poverty, “invisible disabilities”, eugenic sterilization, assisted suicide topics. Guest speakers will facilitate a multi-layered understanding of the issues faced by people with disabilities and their families. Restricted to students approved for appropriate senior year track in the Health Science major. 

HAN 447 Children with Disabilities (3 credits) : Provides a comprehensive overview of the theories of child development and issues related to children with developmental spectrum disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, and communication and learning disorders. Includes behavioral, developmental, language, medical, motor and sensory needs of children with developmental disabilities. Restricted to students approved for appropriate senior year track in the Health Science major.

HAN 448 Disability and Employment (3 credits) : Presents a comprehensive overview of the Disability and Employment field. Explores pertinent employment-related legislation, the vocational rehabilitation system, the structure of existing governmental and not-for-profit programs, and current disability employment practices, through the use of didactic and experiential techniques. Emphasizes the key roles of placement professionals. Provides individualized learning opportunities for individuals with disabilities who happen to be job seeking. Restricted to students approved for appropriate senior year track in the Health Science major.

HAN 449 Project in Disability Studies (4 credits): Students will develop independent projects in topic area of disability studies. They will be required to develop a set of reading, engage in a minimum of 15 hours of experimental learning (in the form of community site-visits, volunteerism, or internships). Course instructors and assigned mentors will assist students during bi-weekly group meetings and by scheduled appointments. Restricted to students approved for appropriate senior year track in the Health Science major.