
Program Mission

The mission of the Health Science major is to provide the highest quality undergraduate education that integrates the principles of scholarship, ethics, cultural competency, communication skills, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and civic orientation to meet the diverse regional needs of the evolving health care industry.

Program Goals

  •  We utilize experiential learning communities that integrate opportunities for collaborative and active learning to improve student learning outcomes.
  • We promote the values of ethical, competent, and compassionate health care.
  • We develop critical and independent thinking skills through the utilization of evidence-based teaching techniques and the implementation of emerging educational technologies.
  • We provide students with knowledge and skills to enter the healthcare workforce, pursue graduate education, or secure professional opportunities in health care through rigorous scholarship, self-discovery, teamwork, evidence-based practice, and leadership.

Program Learning Outcomes

 Students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. actively engage in scholarship by developing original research problems, applying research designs and methods, and communicating those ideas in research writing.
  2. integrate and apply requisite discipline specific knowledge, skills, competencies, ethical and professional values in a chosen healthcare field.
  3. use evidence in critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making processes.
  4. work collaboratively in diverse teams.
  5.  effectively communicate by demonstrating proficiency in written and oral communication skills.

Health Science Strategic Plan 2024-2028

The Department of Health Science in the School of Health Professions at Stony Brook University is excited to unveil its dynamic 2024-2028 strategic plan, strategically aligned with both the evolving needs of academia and the complex landscape of healthcare education. This initiative marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to fostering student-centric learning environments and advancing scholarly excellence within the health professions. By establishing clear goals and objectives that cater to the needs of students and the healthcare industry alike, our department is poised to lead transformative changes in educational practices and healthcare delivery. This strategic plan underscores our dedication to shaping future leaders who will drive positive change in healthcare and beyond, ensuring our programs remain at the forefront of academic and professional excellence.  Please view our strategic plan.