Health Science Strategic Plan 2024-2028

Health Science
2024 – 2028 Strategic Plan

The Department of Health Science in the School of Health Professions at Stony Brook University is excited to unveil its dynamic 2024-2028 strategic plan, strategically aligned with both the evolving needs of academia and the complex landscape of healthcare education. This initiative marks a pivotal moment in our commitment to fostering student-centric learning environments and advancing scholarly excellence within the health professions. By establishing clear goals and objectives that cater to the needs of students and the healthcare industry alike, our department is poised to lead transformative changes in educational practices and healthcare delivery. This strategic plan underscores our dedication to shaping future leaders who will drive positive change in healthcare and beyond, ensuring our programs remain at the forefront of academic and professional excellence.


The mission of the health science major is to provide the highest quality undergraduate education that integrates the principles of scholarship, ethics, cultural competency, communication skills, critical thinking, evidence-based practice, and civic orientation to meet the diverse regional needs of the evolving health care industry.

Strategic Priority I - Program Education Delivery

Goal I.1 – Growth | Grow by improving access, quality-reputation, and best-in-class education

Objective 1 – Quality: Accreditation

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will uphold the highest educational standards of its programs to ensure continued accreditation with national accreditation agencies.

Goal I.2 - Student-centric services | Streamline processes to increase student engagement.

Objective 1 - Student Engagement

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will host events to engage students at all phases of the enrolled student cycle.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will participate in recruitment events.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will develop MOUs that streamline student admission into SHP graduate programs.

Goal I.3 -Novel Education | Foster education and training experience

Objective 1 - Foster Optimal Outcomes with Education Model

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will meet or exceed current graduation rates.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will meet or exceed current retention rates in our clinical programs.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will meet or exceed current employment rates in our clinical programs.

Objective 2 - Assess Effectiveness of Education

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will engage in continuous quality improvement of educational effectiveness.

Objective 3 – Access: Improving equitable access

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will continue to support equitable access to its program.

Strategic Priority II - Program Workforce and Culture

Goal II.1 - High-performance culture | Attract, develop, recognize, and retain an exceptional workforce

Objective 1 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Create a diverse and inclusive culture that values and leverages the unique perspectives, backgrounds and talents of all individuals

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will implement and support inclusive teaching practices to address disparities among underrepresented students.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will engage in strategic hiring.

Strategic Priority III - Program Research

Goal III.1 - Novel research | Promote and expand research initiatives that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries

Objective 1 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoLT)

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will expand research productivity that focuses on SoLT.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will expand research productivity that aligns with faculty expertise.

Objective 2 - Scholarship of community service

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will expand research productivity that aligns with service activities.

Strategic Priority IV - Program Resources

Goal IV.1 - Enterprise-wide excellence | Support and advance excellence through the allocation and utilization of resources

Objective 1 – Advancement: Support advancement opportunities to increase philanthropy

  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will develop a robust alumni initiative to increase alumni presence in the program.
  • Tactic - The Department of Health Science will increase the number of alumni that participate in Giving Day

Strategic Priority V - Program Community and Partnerships

Goal V.1 - Expansion of Partnerships | Expand and advance internal and external partnerships to strengthen community connections and affiliate relationships

Objective 1 - Fostering Partnerships

  • Tactic - The Department will develop and support joint admissions partnerships with community colleges in the region.
  • Tactic - The Department will develop and support partnerships with local and regional high schools.

Objective 2 - Community Engagement

  • Tactic - The Department will participate in community-based events that foster relationships with the community.

Objective 3 - Affiliate Engagement

  • Tactic - The Department will maintain its educational partnerships with Mount Sinai.
  • Tactic- The Department will develop new clinical affiliation agreements for the radiologic technology program.