Anesthesia Technology Program is no longer accepting applications - Processing voluntary withdrawal of accreditation from CAAHEP effective 6/28/24.

Admissions Requirements


Technical Standards


The anesthesia technology program is two years in length. The first year of the anesthesia technology program is the credit-bearing Health Science major senior year curriculum. This year is designed to provide the didactic foundation required for the ASATT national certification. The second year of the program is the clinical non-credit, non-degree certificate program which is designed to foster clinical competency at the anesthesia technologist level. Successful completion of both years is an eligibility requirement to qualify for the ASATT national certification examination. Since this a program within the Health Science major, we only accept applications from students that have been advanced to the major's senior year curriculum. Length of study is 5 years: Health Science major four years (BS degree) and 9 months (clinical non-credit, non-degree certificate program).

Questions about admissions, contact Dr. Zelizer at 631-444-6158 or

Program Director

Stephen A. Vitkun, MD, MBA, PhD         
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor
Professor of Anesthesiology and Vice Chairman (Admin/Special Projects)

Anesthesia Technology (AT) Program Mission Statement: The mission of the AT program is to develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills and competencies required to function as an integral member of an anesthesia team in diverse surgical settings. Through didactic lessons and clinical work, students will hone their skills that are required to provide the highest quality patient care while maintaining the ethical standards and professionalism required in this dynamic profession. 

Goal 1Students will demonstrate clinical competence of an entry-level anesthesia technologist. 

                   Student Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students will demonstrate basic knowledge relative to the surgical procedures conducted in each surgical service.
  • Students will demonstrate technologist level skills relative to the surgical procedures conducted in each surgical service.

        Goal 2: Students will possess critical thinking skills 

                  Student Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students will adequately respond to challenges faced during a surgical procedure.
  • Students will show the ability to perform multiple tasks in a timely manner.

        Goal 3: Students will practice with professional values

                  Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will display professional conduct
  • Students will demonstrate life-long learning

        Goal 4: Students will display effective communication skills

                 Student Learning Outcomes: 

  • Students will demonstrate written communication skills
  • Students will demonstrate oral communication skills

Anesthesia Technology Program is no longer accepting applications - Processing voluntary withdrawal of accreditation from CAAHEP effective 6/28/24 

The Anesthesia Technology Program at Stony Brook University’s School of Health Professions is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of Committee on Accreditation for Anesthesia Technology Education (CoA-ATE).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs logo

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education
9355 - 113th St N, #7709
Seminole, FL 33775-7709

Graduating Class

Attrition Rate*

Job Placement for those seeking employment*





(1 student returned to complete the program 2023)





 (4 student withdrew for personal, non-academic reasons)




(1 student withdrew for personal reasons; 1 student returned and completed the program in 2023)    



National Exam Pass Rate***




Note: *As documented in our self-study, students who left the program due to admittance in another educational program are removed from attrition data set. 

** For those seeking employment

*** This data should be interpreted with caution, due to the limited number of students taking the exam – certification is not required by most employers in our region.



2021-2022 Graduate and Employer Survey Results

Program benchmark is an average score of 4 on the scale below

(1-Strongly disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-Neutral, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly agree).



CoA-ATE Employer Survey =

No score lower than a 4






CoA-ATE Graduate Survey averages = No score lower than a 4





Tuition for the first year of the program:

Tuition break down for the second year of the program, the non-credit clinical certificate:


Other Non-credit Clinical Certificate Program and Professional Estimated Required Expenses*

Health Insurance (required): Students can purchase the university plan or show proof of private insurance





Castle Branch screening and compliance platform - general access**


Castle Branch screening and compliance platform - drug screening**


Castle Branch screening and compliance platform - background check**


ACLS/BLS Certification


Professional liability insurance




Note: * There will be transportation expenses (vehicle, parking fees, fuel, etc.); **these prices have been negotiated and discounted with Castlebranch

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Anes Tech Handbook 9.6.22.pdf696.51 KB 696.51 KB