Truman National Security Project
In December, 2017, Dr. Brooke Ellison was chosen by the Truman National Security Project to serve as a Truman National Security Project Partner. The Truman National Security Project is a nationwide community, created in the aftermath of 9/11, that fights for America's promise on the battlefield, along the campaign trail, and in the halls of government. The community's nationwide membership of post-9/11 veterans, frontline civilians, policy experts, and political professionals share a common vision of US leadership abroad. The community believes in a strong, smart, and principled foreign policy that sees the United States leading a growing community of nations toward shared security and prosperity. The central belief of the community is that America is at its best when it uses all the tools in its foreign policy toolbox: defense, diplomacy, development, and democracy promotion. The Truman National Security Project brings together political partners and advisors to deliver concrete solutions to pressing global challenges for leaders at the local, state, and national levels, coordinating member action nationwide to shape the debate, fight for policy change, and support rising leaders.