April 27, 2020
Dear Students,
As we continue into week 5 of remote instruction at Stony Brook University, I’d like to say how proud I am of all of our SHTM students. You’ve done an incredible job transitioning to a remote learning environment, and have demonstrated great tenacity and flexibility during these times. The SHTM Dean’s office, faculty, and staff will continue to you support you as much as possible to ensure your academic success.
Here is some important information for you, as well as additional campus resources you can take advantage of.
Fall 2020 Semester
Stony Brook University is still planning for a timely start to the fall semester (on-campus), while continuing to evaluate conditions to make sure circumstances are safe for our students. We will provide updates as soon as possible related to any changes to the fall semester’s schedule or mode of instruction. If you have questions, please feel free to email me, your Department Chairperson or Program Director, or your faculty. You may also find useful information at the University’s Frequently Asked Question Link: https://www.stonybrook.edu/
Do you need assistance?
1. The Student Emergency Support
- Housing insecurity (homelessness or imminent risk of homelessness)
- Food insecurity (lack of resources to sustain daily dietary and nutritional needs)
- Unexpected financial distress of a short-term nature, adversely impacting the student’s ability to continue as a student at Stony Brook
- Unmet need required to acquire educational materials and other resources necessary to be successful in the academic environment.
The application to the Student Emergency Support Fund can be found here.
2. Laptop Lending: With the help of SUNY, the University has made laptop computers available to students in need to enable them to continue coursework and research during this time of remote learning. Laptops can be requested by emailing student_supportteam@
The Career Center
The Career Center is still offering all of their normal services for students and alumni to use virtually. All of the information on how to access their services virtually is on their website. These resources are all available not only for the remainder of the semester but for the summer as well.
1. Meet with a Career Coach:
2. Job Search Resources
3. Upcoming Events
In the news…
Did you know that Stony Brook University is ranked number 2 among northeastern public universities? Check out Stony Brook University News and the recent article published by the Wall Street Journal.
As always, best wishes for continued health and safety!
Stacy Jaffee Gropack, PT., Ph.D., FASAHP
Dean and Professor
School of Health Technology and Management