SHTM - Grant information for Internal Routing
Prior to submitting any grant, please contact your chair/program director and obtain their approval for submitting the grant and discuss effort, as well as, grant content. Use the email template provided:
Dear Chair,
I write to notify you of my intent to submit a grant or be part of the team submitting a grant to the following sponsor:
Sponsor Name: National Institutes of Health
Funding Synopsis: SCORE is a research capacity building program that seeks to increase the research competitiveness of faculty at institutions with limited NIH R01 funding and an explicitly stated mission or historical track records in graduating students from groups nationally underrepresented in biomedical research with B.S./B.A., M.A., M.S. or Ph.D. degrees in biomedical-related sciences.
My Role on the Project: Collaborator
If other than PI, please list the PI name, department, and affiliation of the lead PI
Sponsor Deadline for Submission: October 16, 2020
I plan to commit the following effort to this project:
Indicate Salary Offset or In-Kind: 25% academic year effort, 1 summer month
I am requesting the following departmental support for this project:
- Use of space in the RRAMP Lab
- One course release budgeted in accordance with the STHM Course Release Policy
SHTM Impact:
Specifically indicate which SHTM goals the project is aligned with.
This project will benefit SHTM by providing IFR salary offset revenue and indirect cost returns. Additionally, SHTM students will be afforded the opportunity to engage in research and will be hired on the grant, if awarded, to serve as research assistants. This grant is interprofessional and aligns with SHTM's mission to develop interprofessional, translational research. The project will impact curriculum development for students and create new internship opportunities.
The Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance will provide pre-award assistance. After receiving approval from the Chair to apply for a grant, please complete the Notice of Intent to Submit Form at the link below.
Notice of Intent to Submit Form
Following submission of the Notice of Intent, the Assistant Dean will reach out to set up a meeting to review the funding announcement and discuss the timeline for submission of the grant. The Associate Dean will review proposal content for IRB and other considerations.
The grant must be routed through myResearch regardless of the amount - (5) business days in advance of the sponsor deadline and should be routed to the SHTM Dean’s Office at least (3) business days in advance of the OVPR deadline. The routing chain should include:
- PI
- Chair
- Associate Dean and Assistant Dean of Administration and Finance
- Grants Management Staff
There are three separate modules that make up the myResearch Grants process - Funding Proposal, Budget, and Credit Distribution.
It is important to review the funding announcement to see what documents need to be submitted and establish a timeline. The following forms are required to be submitted through myResearch:
- Project Abstract
- Narrative
- Budget Justification
- Facilities and Resources
- Funding Announcement/Call for proposal
- Subcontract package if you are working with a collaborator
Other items may include, but not limited to, Sponsor IDC policy if not standard. Please check with me to see if the grant has any additional requirements.