Curriculum for the Sleep (Polysomnographic) Technology Program

Junior Year Courses

Senior Year Courses

HHO courses are given for Sleep (Polysomnographic) Technology majors. The courses are sequential and require successful completion of prior courses. 

The courses in the upper division of the program are given in Modules. Each module is a 5 week block of time. Some courses are only one module, while other courses are given over 2 or more modules. Please see course descriptions for module schedule and consult the Health Science Center Academic Calendar.

HAS 351 Research Literature/ Research Design
1 credit, modules 4-5

Prepares students to perform a literature search in their respective disciplines to find scientific and health articles and books in the Health Sciences Center Library. Presents research terminology, methods, and design. Provides basic skills to enhance interpretation, evaluation and analysis of research articles, including the hypothesis, literature review, design, methodology, and data analysis.

HAS 363 Computer Literacy for Health Professionals

1 credit, module 2

Surveys the uses of computers for health practitioners. Offers practical experience in literature database searching and use of applications software.

HAS 490 Research Tutorial
2 credits, modules 5-6

An original research project is conducted. 

Prerequisite: HAS 351

HAT 304 Cardiopulmonary Physiology
4 credits, modules 1-2

Presents a detailed study of the physiology of human respiration and circulation. Topics include functional cardiopulmonary anatomy, embryology, ventilation, diffusion, blood flow, gas transport, acid-base states, mechanics and regulation of ventilation and basic cardiac function.

Prerequisite:  Upper division Respiratory Care or Polysomnographic Technology program.

HAT 306 Patient Evaluation
2 credits, modules 3-4

Provides concept of data base, historical information, medical terminology, chief complaint and present illness, and chest physical examination. Applies problem based learning to the study of clinical assessment skills.

Prerequisite: Upper division Respiratory Care or Polysomnographic Technology program.

HAT 309 Communication Skills for Health Care Professionals
2 credits, modules 1-2

Provide the student with an understanding of the importance of effective communication by a health care professional. Through lecture, discussion, and role playing, in large and small groups, students will learn appropriate verbal, non-verbal, and written communication skills to improve interactions with patients, families, various members of the health care team, and the greater community.

HAT 315 Pharmacology
4 credits, modules 3-4

Covers the basic principles that govern the use of drugs in the clinical practice of Respiratory Therapists and Sleep Technologists. Develops specific knowledge for classes of drugs, important distinctions among members of each class, and both their relation to the organ systems they affect and the diseases they treat, including drug dosages and calculations.

Prerequisite: HAT 306

HAT 320 Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Treatment I
3 credits, modules 3-4

Provides the basic cardiac function, practical skills of electrocardiography, diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias, cardiac medications and noninvasive cardiac diagnostic techniques. Examines theory and practical applications of electrocardiography, exercise stress testing, and Holter monitoring. Includes in-depth study of cardiac anatomy and electrophysiology.

Prerequisite: HAT 304

HAT 331 Respiratory Care Techniques I
3 credits, modules 1-2

Introduces the history and global significance of the practice of respiratory care, including the beginning skills and therapies that are utilized.  Major topics include the global history that led to the creation of the profession; the global need to provide quality respiratory care; principles of infection prevention and control; a review of the basic physics of respiratory care; medical gas storage, delivery and therapy; humidity and bland aerosol administration; bedside monitoring; and lung expansion and airway clearance therapies. Laboratory sessions will provide practical experience in the clinical application of the therapeutic modalities discussed.

Prerequisite:  Upper division Respiratory Care or Polysomnographic Technology program.

HAT 335 Medical Ethics
2 credits, modules 5-6

Reviews professional guidelines for ethical conduct and approaches to ethical dilemmas for respiratory therapists and polysomnographic technologists. Explores ethical issues including the distribution of resources and rationing of services. Examines health care services in the United States and the rights of the U.S. citizen under federal and state health care laws. Discusses physician assisted suicide;  terminal weaning; brain death; genetics; cloning and euthanasia; advance directives; confidentiality; informed consent; patient rights; professional conduct; and the legal issues that impact  healthcare practice in the United States.

Prerequisite: Upper division Respiratory Care or Polysomnographic Technology program. 

HAT 410 Introduction to Clinical Education
2 credits, modules 5-6

Introduces clinical teaching to senior students. Modalities include the decision making process, teaching strategies, classroom management, instructional design, and formative and summative evaluation.

Prerequisite:  Upper division Respiratory Care or Polysomnographic Technology program.

HAT 470 Polysomnographic Technology I
2 credits, modules 3-4

Designed to provide entry-level personnel with both didactic and laboratory training in polysomnographic technology. Presents medical terminology, instrumentation setup and calibration, recording and monitoring techniques, documentation, professional issues and patient-technologist interactions. Lab sessions will provide practical experience in the skills required of an entry-level polysomnographic technologist.

Prerequisite:  HAT 331

HAT 471 Polysomnographic Technology II
2 credits, modules 1-2

Provides training in more advanced aspects of polysomnographic technology.  Students become familiar with the skills and knowledge needed to obtain and evaluate high quality sleep recordings.  Covers all the aspects of sleep scoring and event recognition, recording and monitoring techniques, documentation, professional issues, therapeutic interventions, and patient-technologist interactions related to polysomnographic technology.

Prerequisite: HAT 470 

HHO 322 Instrumentation in Polysomnography
2 credits, modules 1-2

Provides a fundamental understanding and practical application of various instruments used in the sleep laboratory setting.  Discusses use, function, indications, contraindications, cleaning, and proper trouble shooting techniques of the various instruments with hands on practice during class.  Covers the theory and practical application of instrumentation and sensors utilized in the sleep laboratory.

HHO 324 Theraputic Modalities in Sleep Medicine
3 credits, modules 5-6

Provides the student with a thorough understanding of various therapeutic modalities used in the treatment of sleep disorders. Includes indications, contraindications and protocols for the titration of various forms of noninvasive ventilation including Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP); Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-level); Auto-Servo Ventilation (SV); and oxygen therapy. Discusses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); phototherapy; chronotherapy; positional therapy; and pharmacological treatment. 

Prerequisite: HHO 322 

HHO 326 Introduction to Dental Sleep Medicine
4 credits, modules 5-6

Covers basic principles of dental sleep medicine and oral appliance therapy as a therapeutic option for the management of sleep disorder breathing. The student will gain knowledge of the pathophysiology of sleep disordered breathing, anatomy and physiology of the head and neck, and dental anatomy and occlusion. Discusses theory, indications, contraindications, the risks, benefits, and potential side effects of oral appliance therapy. Students will learn about dental impressions and the construction of oral appliances, appliance selection, appliance insertion, and patient management. Presents protocol and use of oral appliance titration in the sleep lab setting, combination therapy of oral appliances with Positive Airway Pressure (PAP), and the implementation of alternative dental therapies.  Lecture and laboratory.

Prerequisite: HAT 320, HAT 306, HAT 470, HHO 322. 

HHO 342 Sleep Disorder Pathophysiology
3 credits, modules 5-6

Provides an understanding of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD). Reviews currently accepted sleep disorders including the names; alternate names; diagnostic criteria; features; clinical and pathophysiological subtypes; predisposing and precipitating factors; onset; course; complications; objective findings; and current therapies. 

Prerequisite: HHO 322

HHO 420 Polysomnographic Technology Management
3 credits, modules 1-2

Provides advanced understanding of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) guidelines for sleep facility accreditation and management. Includes standards and policies related to personnel; patient care; equipment; record storage; staging and scoring of sleep studies; and report generation. Discusses emergency policies and procedures, quality assurance programs, and facility layouts. Upon successful completion of this course student would understand the daily operations and functions of the sleep center or laboratory at a managerial level.

Prerequisite: HAT 470

HHO 430 Pediatric Polysomnography
3 credits, modules 1-2

Provides a thorough understanding of pediatric polysomnography. Includes normal sleep across the various age groups; proper clinical evaluation of the pediatric patient; testing procedures; differential diagnosis of pediatric sleep disorders; and appropriate therapeutic interventions.

Prerequisite: HHO 342

HHO 440 Introduction to Electroencephalography
3 credits, modules1-2

Provide the student with a basic understanding of Electroencephalography (EEG). Topics include terminology; technical specifications; instrumentation; recording specifications; and currently accepted standards and guidelines for various diagnostic EEG procedures. Students will gain knowledge and experience in evaluating normal and abnormal EEGs. 

Prerequisite: HAT 470, HHO 322  

HHO 460 Polysomnographic Technology Board Review 
1 credit, modules 5-6

Designed to improve students' critical thinking skills and prepare them for the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT) exam. Students will learn about the professions credentialing levels and requirements as well as the New York State Office of Professions licensing system. Includes mock exams including sample exams offered by the BRPT. 

Prerequisite: HHO 430

HHO 470 Basic Polysomnographic Technology Clinical
4 credits, module 7

Provides full time training in the basics of polysomnographic technology. It familiarizes students with instrumentation; setup and calibration; recording and monitoring techniques; documentation; professional issues; and patient-technologist interactions related to polysomnographic technology. Presents opportunities to observe, perform (under supervision), and evaluate sleep studies. 

Prerequisite: HAT 470

HHO 471 Intermediate Polysomnographic Technology Clinical
4 credits, module 8

Provides full time training in intermediate polysomnographic technology including implementation and titration of oxygen therapy and positive airway pressure (PAP). Covers different modes of PAP therapy including Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP); Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (bi-level); and Bi-level Auto-AV ventilation. These therapeutic modalities will enhance the students understanding of the various forms of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and the appropriate treatment and recommended protocols. Provides patient contact including patient education and proper mask fitting techniques. Presents opportunities to observe, perform (under supervision) and evaluate therapeutic sleep studies.

Prerequisites: HHO 324, HHO 470

HHO 472 Advanced Polysomnographic Technology Clinical
4 credits, module 3 or 4

This full time clinical provides training following the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events. The clinical will provide experience in report generation of diagnostic polysomnograms, PAP titrations, and oxygen titrations. Students will observe, assist, perform (under supervision) and evaluate diagnostic and therapeutic sleep studies. This clinical provides contact time for students with physicians, laboratory manager(s), and patients.

Prerequisite: HHO 470, HHO 471

HHO 476 Pediatric Polysomnographic Clinical
3 credits, module 3 or 4

Provides full time clinical training in pediatric polysomnography. Familiarizes students with instrumentation setup and calibration; recording and monitoring techniques; documentation; professional issues; and patient-technologist interactions related to pediatric polysomnography. It provides the student opportunities to interact and develop their communication skills for educating the patient, the patient's family and/or legal guardian. Presents opportunities to observe, perform (under supervision) and evaluate pediatric sleep studies.

Prerequisites: HHO 430

HHO 479 Clinical Teaching in Polysomnographic Technology
4 credit, module 7

Full time clinical provides the student teacher an opportunity to develop and use educational skills and techniques in the clinical setting. Builds upon educational techniques covered HAT 410.  

Prerequisites: HAT 410, HHO 470, HHO 471, HHO 472

HHO 480 Basic Electroencephalography Clinical
3 credits, modules 3 or 4

Provides full time clinical training in the basics of electroneurodiagnostic technology. Familiarizes students with instrumentation setup and calibration; recording and monitoring techniques; documentation; professional issues; and patient-technologist interactions related to electroneurodiagnostic technology. Students will observe, assist, perform (under supervision) electroencephalograms. 

Prerequisites: HHO 440

HHO 488 Management Clinical
4 credits, module 7 or 8

Provides full time clinical training in daily operations of a sleep disorders facility including the patient flow process from acceptance guidelines to follow-up care. Exposes student to various quality assurance programs, facility policies and procedures, archiving data, interscorer reliability, and patient education in a sleep disorder facility.

Prerequisite: HHO 420